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Jan 23, 2010

Viloria Lost his IBF Title, Nietes Wins

Hey Pinoy boxing fans, here's a recap of the major fights in Cuneta Astrodome today.

Jimrex Jaca made a successful comeback by knocking out his Indonesian opponent in 5 rounds. Prior to this fight, Jaca has not won in his last five fights having lost the last two by sorry knock outs. Jimrex also lost his major fight against Pacquiao nemesis Juan Manuel Marquez in 2006.

Donnie "Ahas" Nietes, won a tenth round technical knock out (TKO) against Mexican Jesus Silvestre. Donnie was comfortably ahead when the fight was stopped in the tenth and final round when the Mexican was taking too much time to bring back his mouth piece on.

Here is my round-by-round flurries of the fight.

Round 1.
Both moving pretty well. Feeling out round.
Nietes lands with rocking right hands.
Silvestre goes down!!
Silvestre is wobbly, again! Nietes is showing so much power against his challenger.
Round 2.
Great defense and boxing coming from Donnie. Uppercuts by Nietes are landing.
Jesus missing wildly now.
Donnie did not dominate as much as he did the first round. But still did enough to take the round.
Round 3.
Donnie sneaks in right uppercuts.
Jesus missing wildly still. He's trying though.
Donnie seems to be resting from all the power shots he has unloaded on the previous rounds.
Donnie just boxing and countering the young challenger.
Round 4.
Terrific boxing from Nietes. He does not allow Jesus Silvestre to hurt him with those wild and wide shots.
Donnie lands the counter right again. Jesus is only hitting the blocking arms of Nietes.
And they clinch on the inside.
Nietes' WBO Title is not at stake. Sorry for that mistake.
Round 5.
Jesus becoming more and more aggressive now. Nietes responds with his combinations.
Clash of heads. Nothing serious.
Good body shot by Nietes. Left hook by Nietes.
Nietes is more effective coming from the outside. On the inside, Jesus seems to disrupt Nietes' rhythm.
Round 6.
Jesus is a protege of Erik Morales. Maybe he should do a-la Morales and engage Donnie more on a brawl. Donnie is just the superior boxer.
I like the conditioning of Silvestre. He is still pretty much aggressive. It's just that Donnie boxes and defends pretty well. Jesus should try and take Donnie away from his comfort zone. Make it more of a brawl.
Round 7.
Nietes leading comfortably on my view. He is one patient boxer-puncher. I still haven't seen Jesus connect with a solid shot against Nietes.
Jesus lands a right. He's unloading now. There's the urgency from Jesus. Action heats up.
Sneaking left by Nietes. Jesus responds with a right. Nietes lands another right.
Referee temporarily stops the fight to check Nietes's cut on the eye.
Good round for Silvestre.
Round 8.
I have Nietes leading 5 rounds to 2. And a knockdown in Round 1 to boot. Silvestre needs to knock down Nietes and win the last 3 remaining rounds now.
Wide right from Jesus. Silvestre's missing but Donnie isn't hurting him as much as he did in the early rounds.
Referee instructs Jesus to keep his punches up. Close uneventful round.
Round 9.
Jesus clobbering Donnie on the inside. Donnie needs to box more and keep it on the outside.
Uppercuts land for Nietes. Nothing significant from Jesus. He's having difficulties against Donnie from the outside.
Nietes lands a right straight. He should be way ahead on points now.

10th and Final Round.
Jesus needs a knock out. Nietes just needs to stay standing for the next three minutes and this is on the bag.
Silvestre just trying but Donnie's defense and boxing is just too much for this young guy.
Silvestre was disqualified for taking a long long time to put his mouth piece on. He's gonna lose on points any way.
Nietes wins by TKO.

Meanwhile, Brian "The Hawaiian Punch" Viloria succumbed to his challenger's onslaught and lost his IBF light flyweight title. Carlos Tamara of Colombia kept on pressuring Brian Viloria until the referee has seen enough and stopped the contest on the twelfth and final round of the IBF championship bout.

Here is how I saw the fight unfold.

Round 1.
Viloria (29) meets Tamara (26) of Colombia.
Viloria has his hands low, not defending the head.
Tamara has his hands up but farther away from his head.
Nice different boxing pose. :D
Good jabs from Viloria. Good body shot. Not much action on this feeling out round.
Round 2.
Viloria unloading with his right but not hitting the target. Tamara moving well away from Viloria's power shots.
Wicked right uppercut from Viloria. This little champion packs some serious power!
Nice busy jabs from Tamara, he's keeping Viloria away with those jabs.
Left hooks from Viloria connects.
Round 3.
Close fight. Tamara connects with a right straight. Busy jabbing from Tamara keeps Viloria away from the outside.
Viloria missed with a power right hand. Viloria unloads but was not able to land anything significant.
Tamara boxing pretty good in this round. Viloria will have a tough time defending his title that's for sure.
Round 4.
Viloria getting busy now. They're trading!! Bad move from Tamara to engage toe-to-toe.
Viloria hurts Tamara to the body. Great body shot. Tamra needs to box away from the powerful Viloria.
And Viloria just unloading his power shots inside. Tamara connects on the inside with uppercuts. But Viloria is the more powerful puncher.
Good inside fighting. RIght hand from Viloria rocks Tamara. Great round for Brian Viloria.
Round 5.
Replay shows Viloria's wicked power shots from the previous round. The momentum is on his side now, Will he capitalize?
Tamara back to jabbing. That should be his approach to this fight. He can't get carried away and trade.
Viloria connects with a right hand. And a left hook inside. The difference in power is massive in Viloria's favor. Tamara needs to box intelligently.
Right hand from Tamara ends the round.
Round 6.
Right hand from Brian. And a left hook. Tamara's chasing Brian, You have to ask.. Is this the right thing to do against a puncher?
They trade inside. Left jab from Viloria hurts Tamara!! But Tamara can't seem to hurt the Champion. Another jab from Brian snaps Tamara's head back.
Body shots from Brian. Tamara's on the ropes now. Brian unloads. Good round for Viloria.
Round 7.
Viloria is on the groove now. Tamara's fighting the wrong fight! He should be boxing from the outside, but what will he do now? He shifted from boxing to brawling only to lose the last few rounds. Now Tamara needs to be more aggressive to even the score. Just a tactical blunder.
Viloria rocks Tamara again with a right hand and a left hook. He is winning rounds after rounds now.
Round 8.
Viloria boxing effectively. Countered Tamara with a hook and a straight.
Tamara's wobbly. He's in the corner now. Viloria unloads. Tamara's getting battered!
Not much sting from Tamara's punches. Viloria's very effective with his counter shots.
Tamara connects with a lead right. Viloria takes this round AGAIN.
Round 9.
Tamara throwing his all. He is not hurting Viloria but he's trying.
Viloria patiently boxing and countering on the inside. Tamara looks very tired, he is not moving and bouncing as he was on the first 3 rounds.
Viloria connects with another counter hook. Tamara lands a right and another one. But he is not hurting Viloria. Tamara can take this round through better activity and punch output.
Round 10.
I have Viloria leading 6 rounds to 3. Tamara needs to win all the remaining rounds to escape with a Draw. He needs to take out Viloria to win the WBC Title.
Good counter punches from Viloria. Tamara still very aggressive though. Tamara connects with a flurry of punches. Viloria's tagged again before the end of the round.
Tamara still has a chance.
Round 11.
We're on the championship rounds. Tamara's unloading. Viloria's in trouble. Viloria's getting caught by Tamara's clobbering right hands. Viloria looks wobbly against the ropes.
Viloria looks hurt and tired. Tamara hurts him again with a right hand. Viloria's in trouble.
Viloria connects with a counter right hand. And another one. He's moving away from Tamara. What a change of momentum.
Another big round for the challenger!
12th and Final Round.
Will Viloria Show the Heart of A Champion?

Tamara unloads, Viloria circles away. Tamara connects with the basic jab-straight-hook combo.
Viloria got tagged again with a right hand. They exchanged power shots. Viloria is down. Twice. But referee ruled it a slip.
Viloria looking very shaky. And the referee stops the fight. Tamara wins it by Knock Out!
What a fight from Tamara. Viloria lost his IBF title.

Wow! What a gutsy performance from Colombia's Tamara. When it appeared that Viloria has the upper hand in power punches, he just kept on coming forward.

And in the end, Tamara's all-out aggression paid huge dividends. What a gutsy performance from the challenger.

And what a sorry loss for Viloria. He just did not have enough in the tank to hold on in the championship rounds. And he did not have the heart and the hunger of his challenger.

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