April 17, 10Km Race (Run with the Masters)
3-Week Training (Week 13-15)
- 4Km Tempo Runs on 4:30 mpk or faster pace on 12K Thursday Runs
- 400x6 Interval Runs @1:05 per 400m on Tuesdays
- 19-21Km Sunday long runs (5:24 - 6:00 mpk pace)
- Added 5Km Saturday easy runs
- Goal: Beat 43:49 minutes!!!
I always want a better run after a good one. I think that's human nature to really not get too satisfied. We always want to get the better item, the better deals, the better techniques and training available and ultimately be better and feel better.
Competition wise, that's perfectly alright as long as we consider our limitations (which is not to allude that there's no limitations to what human beings cannot do). We always want to be better. I do want to run faster and tire much slower.
Still, I am bound by my limitations and I know that my 45:52 is not too terrible a start. I just need more time to train and more fats to burn. I do not think I need a drastic solution just to get better. Perseverance, patience and motivation plays the more critical aspects of my improvements on my next race.
After 12 weeks, I came close to my last year's 43:49-minute 10-kilometer personal best. Maybe I can smash it to pieces on the second try. Changes will not be drastic. I cannot force my pace less I invite injury. There are just minor adjustments that will be made. Hopefully, I will trim down both excess fats and a few minutes off my next 10 kilometer race.
3-Week Training Schedule
My 3-Week 10Km-Race Training Schedule |
mpk - minutes per kilometer
400x6 - 400-meter intervals in 6 repetition
First, longer Tempo runs and a little bit slower. I have been running 3:44 - 4:17 mpk on my last few weeks prior to Globe 10K race. The problem is, I only run it for a single kilometer loop and then followed up with a recovery run (ala intervals). There is only one time that I trained at a fast pace for three straight kilometers (4:00, 4:10, 4:17). I will now try to consistently run four straight kilometers on fast pace as my Tempo training.
For my target time, a 4:20-4:30 mpk on Tempo training runs is required. That's more manageable I think.
This is crucial. Last Globe 10Km race, I was tired after about 4 kilometers. Insufficient training at fast pace, or speed endurance, bogged me down. I need to train my body to adapt to that fatigue and make myself comfortable at running fast for the entire 10 kilometers. Not just on the first 3 or 4 kilometers! I have to experience being comfortably tired.
Second, running intervals. High intensity training at about 90-100% heart beat rate and maximum oxygen uptake. I believe this type of training improves my lung capacity (the faster and longer I can run at anaerobic state) and helps increase my ability to tolerate and sustain my target race speed / pace.
Sprints and intervals does help raise my VO2 Max level or my oxygen tank. It also forces me to correct my running form. The form which I try to use for the rest of my runs regardless of speed. The target training pace for my interval runs is 3:45-4:03 mpk.
Third, for more conditioning and aerobic endurance, I will run 19-21 kilometers of Sunday long runs. It will also boost my confidence to run my upcoming half (May) and full (July) marathons. The target training pace for my long runs is 5:24 - 6:06 mpk.
Training Updates
Week 1:
- March 29: Completed 10 kilometers Easy in 53:37 minutes (5:22 mpk). My recovery run after the Globe 10Km race.
- March 31: Completed 12 kilometers Tempo training. 3Km in 12:08 minutes (4:03 mpk), 3Km recovery, then 2Km in 8:49 minutes (4:25 mpk).
- April 2: Ran 5Km easy on Saturday early morning at Velazquez Park.
- April 3: Finished 19Km long run in 1:58:36 hours (6:15 mpk). Ran from Silang towards Tagaytay City.
Week 2:
- April 5: Completed 10 kilometers Interval Training. Ran 400m intervals with 200m recoveries in between. Target for 400m is 1:05 minutes. Completed the 400mx6 in 1:16, 1:17, 1:19, 1:21, 1:19, 1:16 minutes (3:10 - 3:23 mpk).
- April 7: Finished 12 kilometers Tempo training. 4Km in 16:42 minutes (4:11 mpk), 2Km recovery, then 3Km in 12:53 (4:18 mpk).
- April 9: Ran 5Km easy on Saturday early morning at Velazquez Park.
- April 10: Finished 21Km long run in 2:05:33 hours (5:59 mpk). Ran from Silang towards Tagaytay City.
Week 3:
- April 12: Completed 10 kilometers Interval Training. Completed the 400mx6 in 1:14, 1:12, 1:15, 1:10, 1:16, 1:22 minutes (2:58 - 3:28 mpk).
- April 14: Ran Tempo. 2k Warm up. 5k Tempo pace completed in 20:20 minutes (4:04 mpk) Per Km Lap Times: 3:58.0, 4:04.6, 4:05.3, 4:04.7, 4:07.9 minutes. Then finished with 3k cool down.
- April 16: Ran 5Km Easy.
- April 17: Race Day. Close to perfect on the first 6km -> 24:59 (4:10 mpk) but then faded on the last 4km. Finished the race in 45:40 minutes (4:34 mpk). I tired too fast after 6Km, Roxas Boulevard tricked me again. Hehe. I really thought I was about to break my PR, then the straight road to the Finish Line went farther and farther as I tire on the last few kilometers.
Bless the Lord Almighty for the joy, friendship, fun, speed and strength during the race.
Next up, the half marathon.